Trees, Wreaths & Greens Fundraiser

Trees, Wreaths & Greens Fundraiser

Our Largest And Most Profitable Fundraising Program


The Trees, Wreaths & Greens fundraiser includes all of our tree, wreath and greenery products. With this program, you may choose which of our beautiful products you want to include in your fundraiser.

We offer three varieties of Christmas trees: Douglas Fir, Noble Fir and Nordmann Fir. Greenery includes: handcrafted Round and Cross Wreaths, Evergreen Swags, and Garland.

In addition to the above, you have the option of adding the Trees & Wreaths for Troops program to your fundraiser. Support our troops and their families while earning money for your organization.

Available in California and Arizona

Our members have averaged over $7,200 in profit using this fundraiser!

The Agoura Baseball Foundation has partnered with Wood Mountain for the past eight years. Our supporters who purchase the trees & wreaths feel they have received high-quality products at a fair price while helping our organization… we get repeat business year after year. All of the people at Wood Mountain care about the success of our program and help us each step of the way, ensuring a smooth campaign. Terrific, honest people to do business with. They do what they say and are a pleasure all along the way!!!

Agoura Hills High School

Our members say “Thank You!”

We have partnered with large and small organizations, helping them raise significant profits.

We look forward to partnering with you!

Use the calculator below to estimate your potential profit with this program. Set a quantity goal for each product you'd like to sell during your fundraiser.
* THESE ARE ESTIMATES ONLY! Potential profits DO NOT INCLUDE shipping costs, fees, and taxes that may be due. Realized profits may change based on actual products sold and suggested retail pricing.

There is a 10-tree minimum to participate in the Trees, Wreaths & Greens program. "Trees for Troops" donations and all greenery do not count toward this minimum.

To receive direct delivery, your group must order a minimum of 125 trees. Greenery products do not count toward the 125-tree minimum. Orders that do not meet the minimum may be eligible to participate in our Co-Op program.

Garland is sold in 50ft rolls only. Wreath products are sold in bundles of six (6).